Dr. Stephan Kloess, Chairman of the Investment Committee

Dr. Stephan Kloess has been a member of the Investment Committee, and its Chairman, since 2017.

He has 20 years of experience in the real estate investment market, including establishing real estate organisations for institutional investors, accompanying transactions and restructuring institutional portfolios.

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AFIAA Anlagestiftung für Immobilienanlagen im Ausland

Zollstrasse 42
8031 Zürich


Subsidiary USA

AFIAA U.S. Investment, Inc.
7 Penn Plaza, 370 7th Avenue, Suite 804
New York, NY 10001

Tel  +1 212 748 7684
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Subsidiary Australia

AFIAA Australia Real Estate Pty Ltd
Suite 3, Level 1
10 Bridge Street
Sydney 2000, NSW

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