Marçal Decoppet, Member of the Foundation Board
Marçal Decoppet joined the Foundation Board in 2016. He has held the post of managing director of Fondation de Prévoyance des Paroisses et Institutions Catholiques (FPPIC) in Lausanne since november 2017.
Before that, Marçal Decoppet worked in managing positions in the pension industry at the Copré (‘La Collective de Prévoyance’), Fédération des Entreprises Romandes Genève and CIEPP (Caisse Inter-Entreprise de Prévoyance Professionnelle). On top of this, he was managing director of the Fondation de prévoyance Edipresse (Edipresse pension foundation) in Lausanne. He has over 25 years of experience in the pension sector.
Marçal Decoppet gained the SIU Management Diploma and holds a Swiss Federal Diploma as social insurance expert as well as the Swiss Federal Certificate as administrative expert for pension plans and the Swiss Federal Certificate for private insurance, personal insurance.