Strategy AFIAA Global
The AFIAA Global investment group allows pension funds to make investments in a selected real estate portfolio outside Switzerland comprising exclusively direct investments. Its investments primarily focus on commercial real estate in the core and core plus risk categories which are located in the target market regions of Europe, North America and Australia.
AFIAA Global hedged
AFIAA Global hedged pursues the same investment strategy as AFIAA Global, albeit with a currency hedge. The following are the main features of the investment group, which has a similar structure to funds of funds:
- CHF hedged
- 85% hedge ratio and maximum range of +/- 5%
- No additional fees associated with the fund of funds structure
Sustainability at AFIAA Global
Sustainability is one of the guiding principles adopted by the AFIAA Global investment group. The concentration on the three pillars of carbon emissions, compliance and transparency enhances the financial performance of the investment group and has a positive environmental and social impact.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Christian Zoss, Head of Sales
Reference properties
Kaisergalerie, Hamburg, Germany
Gresham St Paul’s, London, Great Britain
U60, Sydney, Australia
45 West 45th Street, New York, USA