Strategy AFIAA Diversified indirect
The AFIAA Diversified indirect investment group offers pension funds access to a broadly diversified international portfolio of unlisted real estate funds. Diversification is pursued via strategies, sectors, countries, target funds and investment cycles. The focus is on markets and usage types with growth potential as well as on subjects that benefit from structural and demographic trends.
AFIAA Diversified indirect hedged
AFIAA Diversified indirect hedged pursues the same investment strategy as AFIAA Diversified indirect, albeit with a currency hedge. The following are the main features of the investment group, which has a similar structure to funds of funds:
- CHF hedged
- 85% hedge ratio and maximum range of +/- 5%
- No additional fees associated with the fund of funds structure
Sustainability at AFIAA Diversified indirect
Sustainability forms an integral part of the investment strategy pursued by the AFIAA Diversified indirect investment group. As well as enhancing the financial performance of the investment group, this investment strategy also has a positive environmental and social impact. We actively pursue our set objectives at the level of the corporate organisation, the investment group and the designated asset manager.